Academic Civic Engagement (ACE)

Academic Civic Engagement (ACE) encourages students to apply what they learn in the classroom within community contexts for the common good.
Often referred to as community-based research, service-learning, community-based learning and public scholarship, academic civic engagement facilitates the development of skills, habits of mind and relationships that prepare students for future internship, research, civic leadership and work roles.
Community Based Work Study (CBWS)

Community Based Work Study (CBWS) allows students with Federal or State financial funding to earn their work study awards by working off campus at local non-profit organizations or in preK-8 classrooms, typically for 8-10 hours per week.
Both the community organization and institution contribute to the work study wage, with the organization only contributing 25% of the students’ total wage (tutor positions are fully covered by St. Olaf). CBWS gives students the opportunity to devote a significant amount of work study time to a local project while learning about community issues and services.
Please contact Academic Civic Engagement at for more information.
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