There are many reasons students choose study abroad/away programs. All of them are valid! For students who wish to study abroad/away within their major or concentration or those who would like to increase the possibility of receiving major or concentration credit while studying abroad/away, we have created a major/concentration/area of study comparative spreadsheet, linked below.
Program Search by Academic Focus or Area of Interest
Explore semester and year-length study abroad/away programs by the academic disciplines, or areas of study, that they offer courses in. Presented in a color-coded spreadsheet, you may view all programs that offer courses in or related to an academic discipline, like Political Science, or follow discipline offerings by Program.
Checked boxes are used to indicate if a program offers the listed opportunity or major/concentration. In addition to majors/concentrations available at St. Olaf, many programs offer courses in disciplines not offered at St. Olaf.
Note: This document is not meant to indicate if coursework taken at the program can/will count in the major/concentration at St. Olaf. Rather, the document is meant to indicate that they program offers courses in or related to that area of study. Coursework for majors/concentrations must be approved by the Department Chair/Program Director.
Course Planning
For your planning conveniences, The Smith Center has prepared a downloadable and fillable Course Projection Form. This form allows students to input anticipated courses, credit amount, GE attribute, and credit type.

Interested in interning or volunteering while abroad/away?
Some study abroad/away programs offer opportunities for participants to intern or do some volunteering. With some programs, interning or volunteering is a required part of the curriculum and experience. With others, it’s simply voluntary and something that may enhance your study abroad/away experience. If you’re interested in pursuing an internship or volunteer placement during your study abroad/away program this list of programs with required or optional internships and volunteer placements can help your explore options.