Re-Entry Tips
Returning to St. Olaf after a study abroad/away program requires an adjustment – academic as well as a personal. Part of the transition back to campus involves finding ways to continue your study abroad experience now that you are back on campus, such as sharing what you learned abroad/away with peers and the St. Olaf community. Here are some ideas to help you transition back to the Hill!
Reflection Questions:
Here are some questions for you to think about as you begin process and reflect on your study abroad/away experience.
1. How has re-entry been? What have been the most challenging aspects of coming back into your home-based life?
2. When you look back at the travel, what did you learn about yourself?
3. What new insights do you have about your own place in today’s global community?
4. What is the most interesting thing you learned about yourself, your studies, and your world?
5. What are the lessons I have learned that I never want to forget?
6. What do you foresee actively doing based on your new insights? Learn more about the site? Participate in additional activities related to the culture and site you visited?
7. What activities were most valuable to you and why?
8. If you were to do it all over again, what would you change?
9. In what ways might my friends or family have changed?
10. How would I like my family and friends to treat me as I have come back?
11. What did you look forward to the most when coming back? Have you been able to do this? Why or why not?
12. What are some skills I have learned? How are these skills going to help me in the future?
13. Many say that the experience of re-entry is more challenging than your initial move to another place. What are some things I might do to make the transition progressively easier?
14. What have been the important things about this experience that I want to share with my family and friends?
15. What do I want to do with the experiences I’ve had (e.g., stay in touch with people I’ve met, continue with a new interest)?