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1. Evaluate & Unpack your Experience

Program Evaluation Form
All students that pariticipate in a Smith Center program will be asked to provide written anonymous feedback about the program they attended.

Re-Entry Meetings
All students will be asked to meet with the Smith Center and if applicable, a St. Olaf program faculty or staff advisor.

Bias Reporting
The College is committed to administering its policies and procedures in a fair, impartial manner that treats all persons with dignity and respect.

Re-Entry Tips
Returning home and to St. Olaf after studying abroad/away can be challenging. Review these tips for ideas on how to start processing your experience.
2. Practical Matters

Housing Registration
Find out information about registration for housing once you return to campus.

Learn how your coursework from abroad/away will be applied towards your graduation requirements.

Student Employment
The Smith Center employees students to be Peer Advisors and Office Assistants. Look for postings on the Student Employment webpage.
3. Opportunities to Engage On-Campus

ACE Courses
Want to engage with community members beyond the hill? Look at taking an ACE course when you return.

Clubs & Orgs
Looking to get involved in a new interest, give back to community, or re-connect with others on-campus or? Why not join a campus club or org!

Volunteer in Northfield and the Surrounding Community
Become involved in Northfield and the surrounding community.
4. Share Experience with Others

Gimse Study Abroad/Away Photo Contest
Student’s who have recently studied abroad/away will receive an email from the Smith Center announcing the Contest’s opening. Submissions are typically due late-February/early-March.

Travel Writing Contest
The Smith Center sponsors a literary contest open to all students who have studied abroad/away on St. Olaf sponsored programs. Entries include, but are not limited to, short stories, poems, journal entries, adapted blog posts, essays, or any other types of literary form.

Share your Identity Abroad/Away Story
Click here if you are an Ole returning from a program and would like to share your identity story with others. We will then publish it on one of our Equity Resource webpages.

Submit a Spotlight Story
Have you studied abroad/away on a St. Olaf Smith Center program and want to share your story with others? Click here to fill out a form and have your story published.
5. Vocation & Career

Go Abroad/Away Again
Go abroad/away again; intern, work, volunteer, research, teach, etc. after graduation from St. Olaf.

Update Resume
Learn how to update your resume to include your study abroad/away experience from this Piper Center webpage.

Interview Guide
Learn how to tell your story in an interview. Use these tips to help you during an interview with a potential employer.

Piper Center for Career and Vocation
The Piper Center for Career and Vocation helps to prepare students for internships and post graduate planning.