Courses by Area of Interest
Examples of past courses with an academic civic engagement component by interest area. Please check the Academic Catalog for course descriptions. Please verify with the faculty member who is currently teaching the course whether or not it will have an academic civic engagement component in the semester when you are registering. Many of these courses are offered every year or every-other-year.

Arts and Music




Immigrants and Refugees

Public Policy

Youth and Tutoring
What is academic civic engagement?
Academic Civic engagement (ACE) is an educational approach that encourages students to learn in community contexts. Students consider community-based experiences in relation to classroom learning and apply academic knowledge and skills to strengthen communities as an integrated component of an academic course.
Learn more about ACE from your fellow students (video created by Allyvia Garza, Solveig Hanes, Gabriel Marinho, and Christian Schlaefer as their ACE project in Sian Christie’s “Organizational Storytelling” course, Fall 2019).