For Large Groups (5+)
Courses with an academic civic engagement component may apply for funding assistance for transporting students. Contact Alyssa Herzog Melby at x2184 for more information.
St. Olaf vans
For groups of less than 15 (vans seat 7-8)
Northfield Lines
For groups of 15 or more (ask about funding from the ACE Program)
First Choice Shuttle
In Northfield to stops not served by the bus lines or for small groups to other towns in SE Minnesota

For Small Groups (4 or fewer)
Courses with an academic civic engagement component may apply for funding assistance for transporting students. Contact Alyssa Herzog Melby at x2184 for more information.
St. Olaf vans
For groups of less than 15 (vans seat 7-8)
First Choice Shuttle
In Northfield to stops not served by the bus lines or for small groups to other towns in SE Minnesota
The information below is intended to help students and faculty make the best decision regarding transportation for their ACE course.
How does it work?
St. Olaf vans – To reserve a vehicle, complete the Vehicle Reservation Request Form (contact ACE office for unit number before reserving) Anyone driving a college vehicle must be at least 20 years old, must be on the approved drivers list, which includes passing a motor-vehicle background check and maintaining the online VectorSolutions Defensive Driving safety program certification that must be renewed every two years. Those interested in the training must fill out a request to complete the training by Wednesday each week, the day background checks are completed and logins to the training are distributed to those that submit the request.
Northfield Lines offers charter bus services. The Academic Civic Engagement office offers logistical and support to help arrange buses for larger groups to go on civic engagement trips further afield or within Northfield. Contact our office to ask about funding for ACE class trips.
For more information on the other methods of transportation, please visit the Office of Student Activities Transportation webpage.
How much does it cost?
Because the ACE office has limited funds each year to assist with transportation, faculty and students are encouraged whenever possible to use free and low-cost methods of transportation (walking, biking, Oles Go, Hiawathaland, etc). Yet we understand that these options may pose barriers due to timing and that other, more expensive options may pose a barrier due to the financial implications. If the financial aspect of transportation poses a barrier for students to successfully complete their ACE project, please reach out to the ACE office to discuss further.