I. Principles
As a community dedicated to the principled pursuit of knowledge and truth, St. Olaf College regards integrity and honesty as foundational to all aspects of its communal life, including and especially academic endeavors. We understand academic integrity in terms of five fundamental values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility. St. Olaf thus expects of its students, faculty, and staff:
1 Intellectual and personal honesty in learning, teaching, research, and service.
2. Mutual trust and the free exchange of ideas.
3. Fairness in the interactions of students, faculty, and administrators.
4. Respect of a wide range opinions, ideas, and persons.
5. Personal responsibility and the importance of action in the face of wrongdoing.
II. Responsibilities

III.I Violations

III.II Penalties
The appropriate penalty will be determined by the faculty member in consultation with the Dean of Students and will take into account the severity of the violation and the student’s prior history with academic dishonesty. Violations that appear to result from negligence, carelessness, or work that falls short of the formal standards of the discipline will normally receive lesser penalties than violations that involve a clear attempt to deceive. Punitive sanctions include the following:
1 Formal Warning
2. Reduced Grade (including failure) for the Specific Assignment
3. Reduced Grade (including failure) for the Entire Course
4. Suspension or Expulsion (assigned only by the Dean of Students or Provost)
IV. Procedure

Note: Normally, a student may not withdraw from the course, or change from graded to S/U, if he/she has been found responsible for an academic integrity violation; an exception may be made if the sanction for the violation involves no grade reduction. A student may not withdraw or change the grading option while a case is pending.