Reporting to the College

There are multiple ways to report sexual harassment or misconduct to the College. Use the links on the side to access St. Olaf’s online reporting form and lots of additional information. Navigate through the tabs below to determine how to report to the College depending on your role.
How to Report When You Have Experienced Sex Discrimination, Sexual Harassment or Misconduct
Anyone who has experienced sex discrimination, sexual harassment, or sexual misconduct – including, but not limited to, unwelcome sexual advances, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking – is strongly encouraged to report this experience to the college. Reporting to the college will enable the college to take measures to stop the behavior, prevent it from occurring in the future, and provide support, resources, and protection.
There are many different ways to report to the college, whether orally or in writing:
- You can contact the St. Olaf Director of Equal Opportunity or any other member of the Equal Opportunity Team, in person, by telephone, or by email.
- You can submit the online reporting form, which will go directly to the Director of Equal Opportunity. You can choose to complete it anonymously or to provide your name and contact information.
- You can report anonymously to the Campus Conduct Hotline, an independent organization available 24/7, by calling 866-943-2787 or visiting this site. This Hotline enables employees or students to anonymously express any questions or concerns about possible violations of college policy or the law.
You can report to the college without initiating a formal Title IX investigation or reporting to law enforcement. You do not need to submit a report in writing in order to receive support, resources, or protective measures from the college. Additionally, individuals who report sexual harassment and individuals who participate as a party or witness in an investigation into allegations of sexual harassment will not be disciplined by the College for violations of its Policies on Alcohol and Illicit Drugs that are disclosed during the reporting process or as a result of an investigation. Please see the St. Olaf College Policy Prohibiting Sexual Harassment for additional information about reporting options and considerations.