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September 19-23, 2022 – This Week in Science
St. Olaf College | This Week in Science

September 19-23, 2022

Monday, Sept 19

Psychology Department, The Olaf W. and Juta R. Millert Memorial Speaker Series
The Psychology of American Racism
Dr. Steven Roberts, Associate Professor of Psychology and Academic Director of the Center for Comparative Race and Ethnic Studies, Stanford University.
3:30pm, RNS 150 (Live streamed in RNS 190 for overflow)

MSCS Colloquium: How many ways are there to juggle?
Professor Matthew Wright, St. Olaf Associate Professor of Mathematics, Statistics and Data Science, Computer Science; Mathematics Chair
3:30 pm, RNS 310

Tuesday, Sept 20

No Seminar

Wednesday, Sept 21

No Seminar

Thursday, Sept 22

Chemistry Seminar: Understanding Performance Limitations in Perovskite Quantum dot Solar Cells:  Interfaces, Surfaces, and Doping
Brian Wieliczka, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Researcher at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden CO
3:15 pm, RNS 150

Friday, Sept 23

Daniel Stoertz, St. Olaf Visiting Math Professor
3:30 pm, RNS 204, Everyone is Welcome.