March 3-7, 2025
Monday, March 3
Psychology Allport Award Talk: Synthesizing Research and Practice: How School Psychology can Mitigate the Research to Practice Gap and Create Sustained Progress in Schools
Dr. Mollie Weeks ’13, University of Minnesota
3:30 pm, RNS 150
Biology Seminar: Love Under the Scope: What diatoms can teach us about relationships
Dr. Mark Edlund
4 PM, RNS 410
MSCS Colloquium: What can I do with my Computer Science degree?
Professors Emerson Clay and Charles Fyfe
3:30pm, RNS 210
Tuesday, March 4
No Seminar
Wednesday, March 5
Physics Seminar: Breaking the pattern: creating tough materials through architecture
Sage Fulco, University of Pennsylvania
3 PM, RNS 210
Thursday, March 6
Chemistry Industrial Seminar Series: Reflections on a Fulfilling Career in Chemistry and Beyond
Dr. Piril Ertem, 3M
3:45 pm, RNS 150
Friday, March 7
No Seminar