St. Olaf College |
This Week in Science
February 17-21, 2025
Monday, February 17
MSCS Colloquium: A CURIous Invitation
Join us to hear about 4 upcoming Summer CURI Research Project opportunities
3:30pm, RNS 210
Tuesday, February 18
No Seminar
Wednesday, February 19
Physics Seminar: Big and Small, Near and Far: An Introduction to Nuclear Astrophysics
Dr. Brian Nevins ’19, Michigan State University High-Performance Computing Center
3:00 pm, RNS 210
Thursday, February 20
Chemistry Periodic Table Lunch: Chemistry Faculty + Students + Lunch = The Periodic Table
Noon, Upper Balcony Stav Hall
Friday, February 21
Chemistry Seminar: The Science of Art Conservation: The Use of Chemistry in Cultural Heritage Preservation
Megan Narvey, Minnesota Historical Society
3:15 pm, RNS 310