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Baseball vs Augsburg University

Northfield, Minn., Mark Almli Field

Baseball vs Augsburg University Streaming Video:

Baseball vs Augsburg University

Northfield, Minn., Mark Almli Field

Baseball vs Augsburg University Streaming Video:

Resurection of Our Lord: Vigil of Easter

Boe Memorial Chapel

Vigil of Easter; Service of Holy Communion. This service begins outside, North side of Boe Chapel. This service is one of the most ancient of all Christian observances. Scripture lessons […]

Sunday Morning Worship: Easter Sunday

Boe Memorial Chapel

Easter Day with Holy Communion. A celebration of the Resurrection of Our Lord. Associate College Pastor Katherine Fick will deliver the sermon presided by College Pastor Matthew Marohl. St. Olaf […]

Daily Chapel: Anna Rothfusz '25

Boe Memorial Chapel

The chapel speaker today is Anna Rothfusz, a senior student. Daily Chapel is a time of inspiration for body, mind, and spirit; a quiet harbor in a busy day; worship. […]