Classics, Greek, Latin, Ancient Studies, and Medieval Studies
Classics is the study of the Greeks and Romans—especially their languages (Greek and Latin)—and their interactions with other cultures, from prehistoric through medieval times. Learning classical languages is not only fun and exciting; it also improves students’ verbal and analytical skills and gives them tools for studying the past and evaluating the present. Courses in ancient and medieval literature, history, philosophy, religion, political science, fine arts, and archaeology offer fascinating ways to explore the humanities, both on campus and abroad.
To hear what four graduating seniors have to say about their experience with the Classics program at St. Olaf, click on this link and enjoy the 8-minute video, recorded by Makayla Rodriguez (St. Olaf ’27) on May 10, 2024.
776 BCE to 393 CE
Lifespan of ancient Olympic games
27 BCE to 476 CE
Lifespan of ancient Roman empire
330 CE to 1453 CE
Lifespan of Byzantine Greek empire
Oh, The Places You’ll Go!

Lions’ Gate, Mycenae

Meteora, Greece

Amphitheater, Pompeii