Groomis Awards for Summer Projects
Do you have a Classics-related project in mind for the summer? Could you use funding for it? We have some money available in the Groton and Loomis (= Groomis) Endowment Funds and would like to use it to support worthy summer projects. You do not need to be a Classics major in order to apply for a Groomis Award, but you must already have taken at least one course in Greek, Latin, or Classics at St. Olaf. Sample projects: participation (virtual or otherwise) in a conference or archaeological dig, internship, intensive language program, study abroad, travel to a research library, museum, or historic site. Awards typically range from $50 to $500. Applications should be emailed to Prof. Groton by 5 p.m. on Friday, April 11, 2025. Click here for the application form.
For the names of past winners, see the list below.
List of Groomis Award Winners, 2006-2024
2006 Groomis Award Winners:
Michael W. Gulden ’08
Archaeological Field School, University of Utah
Emily C. Holm ’08
Intensive Latin Workshop, University of California-Berkeley
2007 Groomis Award Winners:
Holly M. Browskowski ’07
Internship at Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Kayla A. Rasmussen ’08
Intensive German Summer Language Program, Middlebury College
2008 Groomis Award Winner:
Adrienne C. Rowell ’10
Excavation of Saninsera, Roman town on the Cape of Cavelleria, Menorca, Spain
2009 Groomis Award Winner:
Elizabeth S. Creager ’12
Participation in the Annual Institute of the American Classical League (ACL)
2010 Groomis Award Winners:
Katherine A. Crawford ’11
Villa delle Vignacce Summer Archaeology Field School in Rome
Justin L. Luthey ’11
Seminars at J. Paul Getty Villa in Malibu; visit to Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit at Azusa Pacific University
2011 Groomis Award Winners:
Katherine A. Crawford ’11
Excavation in Stobi, Macedonia, sponsored by the Balkan Heritage Field School
Kristofer D. Coffman’13
Textbooks for independent study of Biblical Hebrew
2012 Groomis Award Winners:
Emily Marie Sandquist ’13
Books for independent study of Tractatus Super Psalmos by Hilary of Poitiers
Natasha E. Hellen ’13
Textbooks for independent study of forensic archaeology
Kristofer D. Coffman’13
Norwegian-Latin dictionary for independent research as Rand Scholar at the University of Oslo
2013 Groomis Award Winners:
Chance E. Bonar ’15
Presentation of paper on Alexander the Great at history conference in Athens, Greece
Morgan M. Wychor ’15
Archaeological field work at Anamur Museum and Antiochia ad Cragum in Turkey
2014 Groomis Award Winners:
Nicholas A. Gantt ’15
Archaeological field work at Antiochia ad Cragum in Turkey
Leif D. McLellan ’16
Archaeological field work at Antiochia ad Cragum in Turkey
2015 Groomis Award Winners:
Joseph A. C. Burkhart ’17
Archaeological field work at Antiochia ad Cragum in Turkey
Leif D. McLellan ’16
Archaeological field work on a Viking Age site in Gotland, Sweden
Click here to read about Leif’s experience.
Morgan M. Wychor ’15
Archaeological field work at Sarmizegetusa Ulpia Traiana in Transylvania, Romania
2016 Groomis Award Winners:
There were no applicants for Groomis Awards in 2016!
2017 Groomis Award Winners:
Mattias A. Kostov ’20
Online language study in ancient Greek
George P. Arbanas ’20
Participation in Annual Conference of the American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR) in Boston
2018 Groomis Award Winners:
John J. Melling ’17
Archaeological excavation at Tel Megiddo in Israel
Hadley E. Evans Nash ’21
Archaeological excavation at Antiochia ad Cragum in Turkey
Clara A. Gambill ’20
Archaeological excavation at Antiochia ad Cragum in Turkey
Gabrielle M. Lattery ’20
Archaeological excavation at Antiochia ad Cragum in Turkey
JuliAnne N. Rach ’20
Archaeological excavation at Antiochia ad Cragum in Turkey
Leah H. Ramsey ’21
Archaeological excavation at Antiochia ad Cragum in Turkey
Amanda R. Westcott ’19
Archaeological excavation at Antiochia ad Cragum in Turkey
2019 Groomis Award Winners:
Juliana L. Dokas ’20
Archaeological excavation at Antiochia ad Cragum in Turkey
Clara A. Gambill ’20
Archaeological excavation at Antiochia ad Cragum in Turkey
Katharine E. Johnson ’22
Archaeological excavation at Antiochia ad Cragum in Turkey
Emily K Knuths ’22
Archaeological excavation at Antiochia ad Cragum in Turkey
Wynn A. Martin ’20
Textbooks for independent study of Old Norse
Megan M. Vikla ’21
Tuition discount for New Testament Greek course
Clara A. Gambill ’20
Presentation in undergraduate poster session at Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South (CAMWS) in Birmingham, AL (held virtually because of COVID-19 pandemic)
2021 Groomis Award Winners:
Dominic M. Diana ’24
Registration fee for virtual International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds
Emma K. Bunde ’21
Textbooks for independent study before graduate school at Washington University in St. Louis
Olivia G. Simonson ’23
Textbooks for virtual tutoring of a high-school Latin student
2022 Groomis Award Winners:
Olivia L. Chapman ’25
Archaeological excavation at Antiochia ad Cragum in Turkey
Audrey R. Hoehner ’23
Archaeological excavation at Antiochia ad Cragum in Turkey
Erika A. Micke ’23
Archaeological excavation at Antiochia ad Cragum in Turkey
Elizabeth J. Mills ’25
Archaeological excavation at Antiochia ad Cragum in Turkey
Anna Shapovalova ’25
Archaeological excavation at Antiochia ad Cragum in Turkey
2023 Groomis Award Winners:
Erica S. Collin ’24
Independent research project in Latin
Dominic M. Diana ’24
San Gemini Preservation Studies program in Italy
Nicholas J. Braun ’24
Archaeological excavation at Antiochia ad Cragum in Turkey
Audrey R. Hoehner ’23
Presentation in undergraduate poster session at Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South (CAMWS) in Provo, UT
Kaylyn C. Scourbys ’24
Archaeological excavation at Antiochia ad Cragum in Turkey
2024 Groomis Award Winners:
J. Declan Coleman ’26
Archaeological excavation at Antiochia ad Cragum in Turkey
Jade L. Estling ’26
Archaeological excavation at Antiochia ad Cragum in Turkey
Eleanor (Elsie) R. Olmstead ’26
Archaeological excavation at Antiochia ad Cragum in Turkey
Julia F. Steidl ’26
Center for American Archaeology excavation at the German Site (Lake Woodland people) in Illinois
Anna Shapovalova ’25
Excavate in Greece field school at Nikopoli
Dominic (Dom) M. Diana ’24
Visits to medieval historical sites in Ireland
Ruth F. Hailey ’24
Independent study in preparation for the M.St. program in Greek at Oxford University