Any student experiencing an emergency should call 911 or contact Public Safety at 507-786-3666 for assistance.
There are limited appointments from March 11th – March 21st. Please call 507-786-3063 for availability or consider other local options. TimelyCare is also available to students.

Appointments are available Monday – Friday, 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM. Please call Health Service at 507-786-3063 to schedule an appointment or use the student health portal to self-schedule. We are located in the New Hall on the east side entrance. Health Service is closed during the summer and college holidays.

St. Olaf Health Services is staffed by a nurse practitioner that can evaluate your concerns and answer your questions. Our team can help with student health symptoms, immunization compliance, coordination and referrals with other departments and local resources in the community.

Student Health Service provides in person visits for a variety of services including basic first aid, short-term minor illness treatment, limited laboratory services, education and counseling for health conditions, and referrals to the local health community.

TimelyCare is virtual medical care that is available 24/7/365 for immediate medical care with licensed providers.
If you have questions about Covid-19 that are not related to needing an appointment in Health Service, please visit the St Olaf Covid-19 page for more information.
Alumni and Students Seeking Records
Confidentiality of Records
TB Screening
Exemption Verification
Parental Consent Form for Treatment of Minor