Our 2024-2025 Team of Counselors!
Each year a group of exceptional student leaders is selected to serve as International Student Counselors. The International Student Counselors are dedicated to enhancing the international student experience at St. Olaf. International Student Counselors help facilitate International Student Orientation and are a valued resource to incoming international students. Additionally, International Student Counselors provide interactive programs throughout the academic year to enhance internationalization on campus.

Set Shi ’27
Hometown: Shanghai, China
A song that best describes me:
My life philosophy in one word:
Always be optimistic (more than one word:)

Jimmy Leung ’26
Hometown: Hong Kong
A song that best describes me:
Dose of dopeness by Kid Cudi
My life philosophy in one word: Chill

Nathaly Martinez ’27
Hometown: Mejicanos, San Salvador,
El Salvador
A song that best describes me:
I lived by One Republic
My philosophy in one word: Courage

Yujue (Virginia) Liu ’27
Hometown: Beijing, China
A song that best describes me:
Wildfire by Hoyomix
My life philosophy in one word: Chill

Sofie Galvin ’26
Hometown: Holzgerlingen, Germany
A song that best describes me:
The Archer by Taylor Swift
My life philosophy in one word: Thunderstorms

Nhi Luong ’26
Hometown: Bien Hoa, Viet Nam
A song that best describes me:
For Lovers Who Hesitate by Jannabi
My life philosophy in one word: Respect

Gum Monydit ’27
Hometown: Juba, South Sudan
A song that best describes me:
Saluk by Alijoma
My life philosophy in one word: Cheerful

Lola Buckley ’27
Hometown: Buffalo, NY/USA
A song that best describes me:
Cinnamon Girl by Lana del Rey
My life philosophy in one word: Next

Simone Talton ’25
Hometown: Waconia, MN
A song that best describes me:
Put Your Records On by Corinne Bailey Rae
My life philosophy in one word: Love

Zion Anguizola Miranda ’26
Hometown: Boquete, Panama
A song that best describes me:
Hard to decide, I like many genres!
My life philosophy in one word: Enjoy