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Notifications, news, and help sessions – Oracle Reference Page
St. Olaf College | Oracle Reference Page

Notifications, news, and help sessions

Oracle is live! 

  • Log in daily: we need you to log into Oracle every day to check on your bell notifications.
  • These notifications will prompt you to approve time cards and absences and will keep you up to date on recruiting students and staff, charges to your purchase card, the status of your expense reports, and other matters. 
  • Log into Oracle hereOracle login

Tell Us What You Think — Help Us Support You 

  • Please spend a couple of minutes responding to a short survey, Oracle Rollout Feedback. Let us know what else you need from us. Thank you!

FINAL January Drop-in Help Sessions

  • Stop by Buntrock 222 for help and support:
  • Student Employment: drop-in sessions are for Student Employment Supervisors who have already attended the Student Employment Workshops.

Tuesday, January 23–Friday, January 26

Date Morning 9–11 a.m. Afternoon 2–4 p.m.
Tuesday, January 23

Expenses & Invoicing, Finance

ME, Staff Recruiting, Student Employment,

Time & Absence

Wednesday, January 24

ME, Staff Recruiting, Student Employment,

Time & Absence

Faculty Recruiting

Thursday, January 25

Faculty Recruiting

ME, Staff Recruiting, Student Employment
Friday, January 26

ME, Staff Recruiting, Student Employment


Don’t Go Rogue: Get Help from HR before Hiring New Staff!

  • Please reach out to Brad Hoff in Human Resources at hoff@stolaf.edu BEFORE you begin creating a Job Requisition / Job Posting to hire new staff. We’re seeing a lot of errors, and that is not a good use of your time or ours.

Watch out for this Trap! Absence Requests:

  • You must SUBMIT an Absence Request in order to activate it and send it to your Supervisor.
  • If you hit Save and Close, your Absence Request won’t go to Payroll, and you won’t be paid.  

Student Employment Supervisors:

  • The next set of Student Employment Supervisor Workshops will begin on Monday, January 29, and will be held on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for two weeks.
  • IMPORTANT Note about Approving Students’ Time Cards: if a student has more than one student employment roleALL of the supervisors must approve the work done in order for the student to be paid.
    • Example: Noreen has three student employment roles. Supervisors 1 and 2 approve Noreen’s time. Supervisor 3 does not. Noreen will not be paid for any of her three roles even though Supervisors 1 and 2 approved her time card.   

Account Values: 

  • If you are unsure of what account coding to use in Oracle, please refer to the Mapping Table, which includes Lawson to Oracle Conversions. 
  • You can view more information about the Oracle Account Structure (and how it differs from the Lawson Account Structure) here

Oracle Cost Centers, Funds and IPAT Funds:   

  • Your access is now limited to specific cost centers to which you will charge invoices, create expense reports, and view reports. 
  • You will be able to view the cost centers to which you have access when you try coding an expense or invoice. 
  • Note: Funds are now associated with a specific cost center, which means that you do not need to request access to funds. Please use the Mapping Table to determine if your previous Lawson accounting unit is now an Oracle “Fund” or “Cost Center.”
  • IPAT Funds: faculty members who have an IPAT “Fund” should now have access to Cost Center #11857 (IPAT). This is the cost center that you should use in combination with your unique IPAT fund number.
  • Please email engle1@stolaf.edu if you need access to additional cost centers. Please be patient as we work through the requests that we have received 

Expenses and Purchase Cards:

  • You can find a Quick Reference Guide here
  • Note: you will receive a daily notification when there are new charges to your purchase card. You do not need to code the transactions on a daily basis, and, more importantly, please do NOT submit an expense report on a daily basis
  • Department Leaders and Expense Reports: please create guidelines about how frequently members of your department should submit their expense reports. The recommendation is to submit an expense report within approximately two weeks of the time when the expense was incurred. 

Accounts Payable: 

  • Please email all invoices and Accounts Payable Payment Request Forms to invoices@stolaf.edu for processing. You can find a Quick Reference Guide here.

Financial Reporting:

  • Financial reporting should be available by the time you receive this update. Instructions on reporting can be found here. Transactions from June 2021 through December 2023 have been loaded into Oracle.


  • The form used to request a transfer in Lawson has now been disabled. Please see more information about how to request a transfer here.

Your W-2, Annual Salary letter, and 1095-C

  • Documents for 2023 and earlier years will be available in Document Self-Service (DSS). Beginning in 2024, these documents will be available on Oracle. 
  • You should have received a notification that your 2023 tax documents are now available for review.
  • Visit the Oracle Reference Page to view videos and reference guides about how to navigate Oracle
  • Review the Checklist of Information to Confirm in Oracle to make sure that your personal information is accurate
  • Log your questions in the Oracle HelpDesk Ticketing System here.
  • The Business Office has created an Oracle section on its website to provide additional support. Please feel free to reach out to the Business Office directly.