TRIO Programs are funded under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, and were initially just three programs. While student financial aid programs helps students overcome financial aid barriers to higher education, TRIO programs help students overcome class, social and cultural barriers to higher education.
TRIO Programs at St. Olaf College
- TRIO Educational Talent Search (ETS) serves young people in grades six through 12. In addition to counseling, this early intervention program’s participants receive information about college admissions requirements, scholarships and various student financial aid programs. Click here for more information about the St. Olaf College Educational Talent Search Program.
- TRIO McNair Scholars assists low-income and first-generation college students with developing the skills and motivation necessary to successfully pursue doctoral education and a career in the professoriate. Click here for more information about the TRIO McNair Scholars program.
- TRIO Student Support Services (SSS) helps students stay in college until they earn their baccalaureate degree. Participants, who include disabled college students, receive tutoring, counseling and instruction. Click here for more information about the St. Olaf College Student Support Services program.
- TRIO Upward Bound (UB) helps young students prepare for higher education. Participants receive instruction in literature, composition, mathematics and science on college campuses after school, on Saturdays and during the summer. Click here for more information about the St. Olaf College Upward Bound program.
- TRIO Student Support Services for Student with Disabilities (SSSD) helps students with disabilities develop the skills and knowledge necessary to pursue and successfully complete a college education. Participants receive tutoring, counseling and instruction on academic and personal development. Click here for more information about the St. Olaf College Student Support Services for Students with Disabilities program.
Additional links:
The Council for Opportunity in Education is a non-profit organization dedicated to the expansion of educational opportunities throughout the United States. The Council works in conjunction with colleges, universities and agencies that host TRIO programs to specifically help low-income and disabled Americans enter college and graduate.
Minnesota TRIO is the professional organization for personnel affiliated with TRIO programs throughout the state of Minnesota. MN TRIO is one of eight state chapters which form the Educational Opportunity Association (EOA). In addition to Minnesota, EOA’s member states include Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio and Wisconsin.
St. Olaf College Education Department