The Viking Chorus of St. Olaf College is a choir of first-year tenors and basses who carry on a legacy of a chorus singing since its founding in 1935. The choir consists of tenors and basses representing every sort of academic pursuit the college offers, with over 60% of them studying fields other than music. Athletes, actors, student government leaders, and members of other music ensembles gather three times a week to pursue musical excellence and authentic community. Featuring a broad repertoire with an emphasis in sacred music, the low voices of Viking sing motets, cantata movements, and anthems, as well as contemporary choral pieces, spirituals, folksongs, and music traditionally associated with men’s chorus. Viking Chorus is directed by Paolo Debuque in ’24-’25, and performs throughout the academic year in concerts, worship services, and the annual St. Olaf Christmas Festival.
Performance Calendar
Manitou Singers and Viking Chorus Concert
Paolo Debuque (he, him, his)
Visiting Instructor of Music