How can I be confident that Peer Substance Coaching is right for me?
The foundation of this program is you, so you can decide if you want to meet once a week or every two weeks and you will form your own goals. Coaches are trained in the stages of change, motivational interviewing, and SMART recovery concepts and are a private resource. Coaches aren’t professional therapists, counselors, or doctors, and can’t diagnose or give medical advice.
Who would benefit from a Peer Substance Coach?
Peer Substance Coaches are here to help you explore how substances play a role in your life at any level of use. If you’re considering making a change, just want to learn more about substances, or are already in recovery, a coach can support you. You can discuss substances such as alcohol, nicotine, marijuana, prescription drugs, and more.
How do you sign up?
Fill out the form at the bottom of this webpage and within 24-49 hours, the Peer substance Coaching Coordinator will get in touch with you and answer any questions you may have. Please let us know if there are any coaches you already know and thus don’t want to be paired with. In the meanwhile, if you have any questions or concerns email wellness@stolaf.edu.
Worried about a friend?
You may feel like you can support your friend, but you can only do so much. You can suggest peer coaching at any point, but especially if:
- You feel like you lack the expertise to handle the problem
- Your friend’s substance problem is triggering issues in your own life
- You’ve been trying to help but the situations remains unchanged
- You feel like you’re in over your head
Find a time to talk to your friend alone and express your concerns with compassion. Describe the specific behaviors that have caused you to bring their substance use up, and then focus on listening to them rather than accusing. Offer to assist them in signing up for a coach, and remember that they can still refuse your help.
Peer Substance Coaching
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